I was recently in Washington, D.C. working on a book project…which is going to be incredible, by the way, but more on that some other time. On a windy and drizzly day between meetings I had a little time to explore and I was immediately struck by the immensity of everything. From the moment you step into the Metro tunnel to your first stroll down the National Mall, you can’t help but be impressed and a little intimidated. Read More
For more than a decade, Interbrand, the global branding agency, has published their list of Best Global Brands. For the last three years they have singled out what they feel are the 50 Best Global GREEN Brands (click here to go to survey). Moving forward this is going to become an important indicator of overall brand health as companies continue to realize that sustainability isn’t just something that nice people do, but also has the ability to dramatically enhance the bottom line whether through energy savings, increased market perception, better longevity…what have you. Read More
The late Thomas J. Watson of IBM once stressed the importance of quality design, saying, “Good design is good business.” While he was likely referring more to products, he was also a firm believer in the power of graphic design. Graphic design, in the form of a strong brand identity, has the ability to transform a company’s self image and project that company’s core beliefs and principles to the market in a meaningful and powerful way. In the early 1950s the stodgy public image of IBM was a complete disconnect from the truly cutting edge work that was happening inside the walls. Enter Paul Rand and his brilliant interpretation of the IBM logo as a pictogram of a striped “eye,” a “bee” and an “M.” A daring identity for a global business powerhouse that became an icon in the world of business.